
Showing posts from March, 2020

I See Fire Too

I have mixed feelings about this day. Well, it began as a Lazy Saturday with just coffee and my favorite shokomuffin and just a chat with him over the video. As the day proceeded and i decided to take my shower, something nice happened in the shower, yea just like how everyone says ideas spring onto you in the shower. Yes, they did and i just started humming something that felt like i had my song. Well and proceeded me to a sing a song, not the one i originally began humming in the shower, which is a work in progress but i just felt another song expressed my state of mind much better. I See Fire by Ed Sheeran just explain our turmoil in almost a negative light but it just felt that way. I see fire and we may burn but we need to swallow this bitter pill and be hopeful for the light at the end of this tunnel. We shall experience the silence after this storm but we will recover that is inevitable.The whole corona has taken the world like a stir and as did it my mind as well. The evening w...


Long-Distance Relationship and to add to the mix black swan events like the Corona don't help. There is so much that i miss about him that it pains me that to add to the mixed bag there is also Corona, like wow. I miss everything about us together, our magic as we called it. It is beautiful around him and us in complete solitude. I would trade some couples who are dreading being together during this corona time to have me in that situation instead. Being an Indian wanting to conquer the world makes shit just worse. Not only am i Indian in another country at this time also my own country has banned me from returning. talk about how shitty this situation is. Nevertheless, today was Day 4 of being home but honestly, i went out twice, once for the beautiful run and meditation and the second to get a cappuccino outside because i was sick of getting the coffee at home. The clear skies tonight reminded me of our night at the beach where we just sat looking at the moon meet the water at ...

Corona Corona

So shit has gone south ever since, I have been at home not moved out in 4 days, maybe only to probably get some grocery where i strangely found the aisles of the pasta, toilet paper and broccoli section empty. I wonder what is going on in the world, it's crazy out there. Here in Dusseldorf, nobody gives a damn on the street though. Everyone seems to be doing pretty great without gloves and masks. I woke up today well pretty pumped, after a great session of Surya namaskar and meditation i decided to get to work on my shit. It worked till a point. Then shit went haywire after the bright lovely day outside made me feel like i should just be outside, Nevertheless, i didn't go out, I have been home all day. It's so weird its never been this way in like never. I did cook a lovely meal today for myself and multiple intermitted tea sessions is how i would sum my day. Along with which i watched Taylor Swift's movie Americana where she speaks so highly about being a strong women...

Hold up

What felt like a gimmick now is a full-blown thing here in Dusseldorf, NRW Germany. Where so many people seem to be getting affected by this strange flu-like unknown covid Virus and i honestly don't know what the fuck to do apart from continuously washing my hands. I mean i never had to give a shit about this before and now it seems to be completely out of control. I am alone in this city, so to say, Nobody but people i have met at my company. It is scary but i need to stop thinking about this so much. This is a bad time for everyone and everything in the world and i need to continue to be stronger. But it is generally fucking with my routine. I have been working it fabulously for the last week waking up at 5:30 and now i cant go to the bloody gym, its extremely disappointing how its vulnerable humans are to things like these. At these moments i don't care about anything materialistic and all i care about is my loved ones and to achieving the greater in me at this given point o...

The Corona Madness

I mean honestly, i don't understand what is going on in this world. We are already facing a pandemic. I mean all those sci-fi movies, all those Netflix shows on 'pandemics' all seem to be coming true. To be honest i am from a city Mumbai where they don't give a damn about what is happening in terms of world crisis. We always do what we are supposed to do, Move on. That is one thing Mumbai has taught me, say fuck it and move on and Never to take things super seriously, but i eventually live in denial and then shit goes down south and then i am running. I had a fabulous start to my day with a great workout which i began at 7 am and then ended well in time to be at work but i had to goof up and get lost in the city for a bit. I decided to take a cab to work by spending 10 euros on a distance of barely 4 km but it was raining and that is the best i could do. I always begin work with an espresso shot and lately have been having this without sugar, because i yet need to make...

Monday Thoughts- March 09th 2020

Why do i have a feeling like i am always chasing time? It is almost March 10th and i am still figuring every day out. Having said that i had a fabulous morning with my workout by 7 am, i want to be able to wake up by 5:30 am so i can finish by 7:15-7:30 and then meditate and nicely take a shower and reach work at 8:30 sharp. I have a bright smile on my face after the workout and i am so happy i have that. It's like one big task has been done and there is an energy rush that you feel after that workout and the calmness after meditating. I want to be able to achieve a lot in life but at the same time also balance other things. I mean why do we FEAR things so much, why the fuck can't we just go for it. These shitty rules and regulations, i mean who has made these. Before u realize it your fucking 50 and then shit it's all fucking over. No fucking way can i let that shit happen. What is the worst that can happen if i do it, they will laugh they will be like a weirdo! Ok, Yes I ...