The Corona Madness

I mean honestly, i don't understand what is going on in this world. We are already facing a pandemic. I mean all those sci-fi movies, all those Netflix shows on 'pandemics' all seem to be coming true. To be honest i am from a city Mumbai where they don't give a damn about what is happening in terms of world crisis. We always do what we are supposed to do, Move on. That is one thing Mumbai has taught me, say fuck it and move on and Never to take things super seriously, but i eventually live in denial and then shit goes down south and then i am running.
I had a fabulous start to my day with a great workout which i began at 7 am and then ended well in time to be at work but i had to goof up and get lost in the city for a bit. I decided to take a cab to work by spending 10 euros on a distance of barely 4 km but it was raining and that is the best i could do. I always begin work with an espresso shot and lately have been having this without sugar, because i yet need to make that trip to Edeka. Corona Virus has me clean my table twice with the disinfectant at work and i have been instructed to maintain a distance of a meter and also not to touch my face! I mean can someone tell me how did shit get so fucked so fast. I am not only away from him but long distance along with world pandemics along with Indian Passport is the worst possible situation to possibly be in if you are with somebody who now lives miles away when he lived with you at a point. I mean how can so many odds be against us, i just don't get it. But hopefully, we are going to figure this out. For now, i am going to take my much-needed reading and sleep to get up to an exciting rainy weather tomorrow. (NOT) FYI, Its the Corona Virus pandemic Season, the world is going crazy over this crazy gimmick and humans falling in fear of such shit because we all love to live in fear. Hopefully, tomorrow its better than today. Until next time...


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