Right Moment, Right Time , Right Place
Today i went running along with Baeggi, my new roommate. Well, of course, she being german woke me up at 9am because i promised her the previous night that we would go running today and her german diligence doesn't allow her to skip on that. Of course, she woke me up! However, our run was cold, breezy and well with a lot of ducks on the way and accompanies by natural grey skies. On arriving at the city centre we grabbed ourselves a coffee at the Rosterie vier and walked our way along the Rhine promenade.
However in all of this, i thought that the everything has always lead to the right paths, i meet people at exactly the right stages who fit the instance, for example, i was living at Alok's house at just the right time as i transitioned through the old house and now i am among people who appreciate the whole idea of not really caring about the materialistic things and keeping it simple. I see myself among the right people at the right time in my life which is perfect. I am lucky in ways.
I am on the right path to being free from what took place at my previous company. I am soon going to get the freedom in the work i do to attain the right things. The corona is going to be a game-changer in ways that i thought were inevitable. There are always people telling you what should be done, but does anyone really know the right answer to things? I do not know why do people say things because nobody really knows, there is a chance somebody knows more than the other but the tangents could be different. It is all not a straight path.
All i know is that par is soon going to be here with me and the way i perceived time before is so different from what i see time today as . Time is the most skewed perspective we have, We believe the time is in our control but that isn't the case if that is what you make of it. Do we really know more than the other or are we just told something by somebody because that is the path that they believe is the right path.
I am convinced however that you make your path and it is best not to disclose what you truly believe is. It is you, who is different from the rest. It is you who has a perspective that nobody else has yet because they were at a different moment at a different time. Like par used to always tell me the right moment, the right time and the right chance. Can you define what is right? No ! but can you believe what is right for you ? Yes you most certainly can believe that. It is something that you have been moulded to be , you are at a different time at a different place and a totally different moment that somebody else , there is a chance that something may run in your favour way better than it did for somebody else.
This is a note to yourself - Listen from one ear and let that exit from the other because nothing anybody says changes your path it just helps define it.Thats all.
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