Everything seems to be spinning in circles or maybe that's just how i am perceiving this, It may look like i am going towards something but honestly its a really twisted path. I am happy to know i have you by my side, even though we really get on each other's nerves but there isn't a moment when you are not on my mind especially with the moments we have had together. I hope we create new memories to blur the previous memories. I had you so fucking close to me and now you are far in that exact distance, I know this shall pass too. Its just the way for now. We need to stay strong for its this strength that will bond us stronger.It doesnt have to be hard, it doesnt have to be easy either. I just want us to be a good space together with our favorite pizza and our wine. Its as simple as that. That is truly what we need.
I rightly deserve what i deserve in the life i have been bestowed up. I happen to begin listening to the translation of bhagvat gita today and hopefully it imparts me with more strength in life that i have today.
Do there have to be rules to everything , why cant we be children just learning and having fun? Why does everything have to be about earning something or returning something all over a bloody piece of paper. There is nothing i can change about that but i honestly dont have time in my life to really change much especially a factor such as that. What i can attain is balance
Night. I am off to sleep under the stars thinking of you
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