The Summer is here but the vibe isnt. Its 10 pm here and the sky is still blue but the feeling isnt. The breeze mildly warm brushing against me is here but the feeling isnt. How is that so much has happened but i feel like what we experienced went away just like that , like a blaze and what is left of it is just the rest. This hasnt gone as planned and it keeps feeling stranger than before. I wish i could change this feeling and  make things like they are supposed to be felt. 'I want to get rid of the negativity that surrounds me, The world is hurt and so are the people and whatever it is that comes to life feels like it isnt part of it. I feel distanced , angry and unhappy at how as humanity we are evolving. I would say the least is we arent evolving. We are just existing and doing nothing about the rest.


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