Rainy day in Dusseldorf

The weather is certainly fluctuating here as well as all over the world. Not just the weather but everything else as well. We are all uncertain about everything. Its raining outside and ive had a nice morning with my coffee , yoga & meditation routine also a lovely breakfast of bacon and white egg. Pia and me decided to meet nachmittag for kaffee at Flingern Nord. I headed out to get some prints before i leave to meet pia & miri. I bummed into a cool guy at the print shop and he happened to be very nice and helped me out with my prints that left me with a smile on my face after whiich i left my documents at home and left in this gloomy weather and i reached hauptbanof after which i got alost a little taking the wrong tram from which i recovered and headed to the kaffee. We all met at a sweet coffee shop where they were about to shut at 6pm. psst Dusseldorf and the kaffee shops. After which we moved over to another sweet tee & kuchen place where we indulged in tee &...